Citizens can meet Lion City in Jiefangbei
On the evening of 15th, Jiefangbei was filled with strong Singapore customs. Let's have a look.

Citizens can meet Lion City in Jiefangbei


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Changi Airport's Magic Maze, Singapore Lighting Art Installation, Sentosa Scenery, Chinatown, Nyonya Dress ... On the evening of 15th, Jiefangbei was filled with strong Singapore customs. As one of the important events of 2022 Chongqing Experience Singapore Week, "Seeing a New Journey in Chongqing" officially opened here. It is reported that the event integrates rich Singapore experience, covering tourism, art, performances, movies, shopping and other aspects, and will last until December 18. Citizens can enjoy the iconic attractions of Lion City in Jiefangbei.

Chongqing Experience Singapore Week – Seeing a New Journey in Chongqing officially opened. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Chongqing Experience Singapore Week – Seeing a New Journey in Chongqing officially opened. (Photo provided by the organizer)

The reporter saw at the scene that at the entrance of the tourist experience zone, "Changi Airport" combined with the design of the magic maze attracted many people.

Going out of "Changi Airport", Singapore's famous scenic spots, namely, "Binhai Bay Garden", "Mandai Wildlife Reserve" and "Sentosa Island", are in turn, and the cultural areas include "Little India", "Chinatown", "Hazhi Lane" and "Katong". In the experience area, there is also Niangrao clothing changing experience, urban trail health riding challenges, etc.

In the "Mandai Wildlife Reserve", "Cute lion DIY interactive coloring area" and "Lucky Draw Station" in the tourism experience area, lucky draw activities are also prepared. You can participate and win small gifts as long as you take photos, punch in and share them on social platforms according to the corresponding rules.

Lighting art works of the event scene. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Lighting art works of the event scene. (Photo provided by the organizer)

According to the organizer, the lighting art installation specially exhibited in this event comes from the famous "i Light Singapore" lighting art festival in Asia. The exhibition also incorporates excellent local lighting art works in Chongqing, and tourists can watch an international lighting art exchange grand meeting.

In addition to the rich artistic activities, there is also an art fair composed of nine local art booths in Chongqing, including art illustrations, jewelry, handicrafts, aromatherapy, etc., and a limited number of new products with Singapore elements are launched. Two artists are doodling on the scene, combining the cultural elements of Chongqing and Singapore.

The brand area has attracted more than a dozen Singapore brands, including Singapore Airlines, Yang Xiecheng, Bee Cheng Hiang, CHARLES & KEITH, etc. In the past, some products that had to be purchased in Singapore can be experienced by tourists when they come to the event scene.

There is an art fair on the scene, including art illustrations, jewelry, handicrafts, aromatherapy, etc. (Photo provided by the organizer)
There is an art fair on the scene, including art illustrations, jewelry, handicrafts, aromatherapy, etc. (Photo provided by the organizer)

In addition, the main stage of the event has wonderful programs such as Singapore concerts and films every day. These Singapore films are directed and created by Liang Zhiqiang, a well-known director who won the Presidential Medal and Film Culture Award.

Jiefangbei is full of Singaporean style. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Jiefangbei is full of Singaporean style. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Citizens stop to punch in. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Citizens stop to punch in. (Photo provided by the organizer) 

(Translated by Xu Hong, Fathom Language Limited)

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Citizens can meet Lion City in Jiefangbei

2022-12-16 22:11:34 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Changi Airport's Magic Maze, Singapore Lighting Art Installation, Sentosa Scenery, Chinatown, Nyonya Dress ... On the evening of 15th, Jiefangbei was filled with strong Singapore customs. As one of the important events of 2022 Chongqing Experience Singapore Week, "Seeing a New Journey in Chongqing" officially opened here. It is reported that the event integrates rich Singapore experience, covering tourism, art, performances, movies, shopping and other aspects, and will last until December 18. Citizens can enjoy the iconic attractions of Lion City in Jiefangbei.

Chongqing Experience Singapore Week – Seeing a New Journey in Chongqing officially opened. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Chongqing Experience Singapore Week – Seeing a New Journey in Chongqing officially opened. (Photo provided by the organizer)

The reporter saw at the scene that at the entrance of the tourist experience zone, "Changi Airport" combined with the design of the magic maze attracted many people.

Going out of "Changi Airport", Singapore's famous scenic spots, namely, "Binhai Bay Garden", "Mandai Wildlife Reserve" and "Sentosa Island", are in turn, and the cultural areas include "Little India", "Chinatown", "Hazhi Lane" and "Katong". In the experience area, there is also Niangrao clothing changing experience, urban trail health riding challenges, etc.

In the "Mandai Wildlife Reserve", "Cute lion DIY interactive coloring area" and "Lucky Draw Station" in the tourism experience area, lucky draw activities are also prepared. You can participate and win small gifts as long as you take photos, punch in and share them on social platforms according to the corresponding rules.

Lighting art works of the event scene. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Lighting art works of the event scene. (Photo provided by the organizer)

According to the organizer, the lighting art installation specially exhibited in this event comes from the famous "i Light Singapore" lighting art festival in Asia. The exhibition also incorporates excellent local lighting art works in Chongqing, and tourists can watch an international lighting art exchange grand meeting.

In addition to the rich artistic activities, there is also an art fair composed of nine local art booths in Chongqing, including art illustrations, jewelry, handicrafts, aromatherapy, etc., and a limited number of new products with Singapore elements are launched. Two artists are doodling on the scene, combining the cultural elements of Chongqing and Singapore.

The brand area has attracted more than a dozen Singapore brands, including Singapore Airlines, Yang Xiecheng, Bee Cheng Hiang, CHARLES & KEITH, etc. In the past, some products that had to be purchased in Singapore can be experienced by tourists when they come to the event scene.

There is an art fair on the scene, including art illustrations, jewelry, handicrafts, aromatherapy, etc. (Photo provided by the organizer)
There is an art fair on the scene, including art illustrations, jewelry, handicrafts, aromatherapy, etc. (Photo provided by the organizer)

In addition, the main stage of the event has wonderful programs such as Singapore concerts and films every day. These Singapore films are directed and created by Liang Zhiqiang, a well-known director who won the Presidential Medal and Film Culture Award.

Jiefangbei is full of Singaporean style. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Jiefangbei is full of Singaporean style. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Citizens stop to punch in. (Photo provided by the organizer)
Citizens stop to punch in. (Photo provided by the organizer) 

(Translated by Xu Hong, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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