Pharmacies in Chongqing main urban districts: Drug shortage is alleviated
Recently, the reporter visited many pharmacies in Chongqing main urban districts. Let's have a look.

Pharmacies in Chongqing main urban districts: Drug shortage is alleviated


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In order to meet the citizen’s demand for medicine, more than 3 million boxes of urgently needed medicine, including 11 kinds of key medicine, have been put on the market in Chongqing for several days. Recently, the reporter visited many pharmacies in Chongqing main urban districts and learned that many citizen "have bought the medicine that they have been looking for". Antigen test kit, antipyretics like ibuprofen, Lanqin oral liquid, Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, N95 masks and other "top-selling products" can be purchased in physical pharmacies or online platforms.

Citizens buying medicine.
Citizens buying medicine.

Physical pharmacies: masks and antipyretics are available

"N95 masks in our store have never been out of stock!" said Ms. Xia, a shop assistant of Haitong Pharmacy in Dongfanggangwan, Dashiba, Jiangbei on the morning of the December 25, adding that N95 masks for adults and children can be bought at any time here. "As far as I know, except for the thermometer, cold medicine is easy to buy now," said a citizen who was shopping for medicines.

In a nearby pharmacy, the reporter saw that Lanqin oral liquid was placed in order on the shelf in the most exposed place at the entrance, while ibuprofen and Lianhua Qingwen Capsules were also available. "Now masks and other cold medicine are well-stocked, so there is no need to stock up on them," said Ms. Yang, a pharmacy worker.

Well stocked Lianhua Qingwen Capsules.
Well stocked Lianhua Qingwen Capsules.

In a Tongjunge Pharmacy located in Linjiangmen, Yuzhong District, some commonly used antipyretics were also available. "Conventional antipyretics are basically easy to buy. Antigen test kits are delivered sporadically, which would be unavailable after sold out on the same day, so customers can only wait for next delivery," said Ms. Yuan, the head of the pharmacy. "What is difficult to buy now is the blood oximeter, which is out of stock."

Available Ibuprofen and other antipyretics.
Available Ibuprofen and other antipyretics.

Online drug purchase: antigen kit can be purchased

On December 25, Heping Pharmacy replenished the medicine for several times on its WeChat Mini Program and sold more than 1,000 antigen test kits. However, they were still in demand and would be sold out again a few minutes after each replenishment. In addition, Vanhe Drugstore also sold antigen test kits on its WeChat Mini Program.

On Meituan, Eleme and other medicine takeaway platforms, the reporter searched "Lanqin Oral Liquid" and found that it was sold in many pharmacies nearby. If buying medicine in JD, you can make an appointment at 10:00, 12:00 and 20:00 every day for anti-epidemic medical materials such as Lianhua Qingwen Capsules and antigen test kits.

Luo Gang, chairman and general manager of Chongqing Heping Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd., said that at present, Heping Pharmacy has started the mode of nationwide shopping, broadened the purchase channels, increased the purchase of urgently needed drugs, and added replaceable products to meet the demand of citizens for medicine. According to him, Heping Pharmacy has 800 stores, and it is estimated that 5,000 pieces of anti-epidemic drugs such as cold, fever and cough medicine will be released every day. However, in order to ensure that more people can buy them, some of the badly needed anti-epidemic drugs will also be retailed. "In addition, it is expected that 500,000 antigen test kits will be put on the market every day, and each person is limited to one box every day, so as to meet the needs of the public while ensuring stable prices." Luo Gang also suggested that everyone should prepare medicine reasonably. One box of antipyretics is enough for a family of four members in fever, leaving the spare drugs for others who need them. (Translated by Hu Chuanmin, Fathom Language Limited)

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Pharmacies in Chongqing main urban districts: Drug shortage is alleviated

2022-12-27 14:51:42 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In order to meet the citizen’s demand for medicine, more than 3 million boxes of urgently needed medicine, including 11 kinds of key medicine, have been put on the market in Chongqing for several days. Recently, the reporter visited many pharmacies in Chongqing main urban districts and learned that many citizen "have bought the medicine that they have been looking for". Antigen test kit, antipyretics like ibuprofen, Lanqin oral liquid, Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, N95 masks and other "top-selling products" can be purchased in physical pharmacies or online platforms.

Citizens buying medicine.
Citizens buying medicine.

Physical pharmacies: masks and antipyretics are available

"N95 masks in our store have never been out of stock!" said Ms. Xia, a shop assistant of Haitong Pharmacy in Dongfanggangwan, Dashiba, Jiangbei on the morning of the December 25, adding that N95 masks for adults and children can be bought at any time here. "As far as I know, except for the thermometer, cold medicine is easy to buy now," said a citizen who was shopping for medicines.

In a nearby pharmacy, the reporter saw that Lanqin oral liquid was placed in order on the shelf in the most exposed place at the entrance, while ibuprofen and Lianhua Qingwen Capsules were also available. "Now masks and other cold medicine are well-stocked, so there is no need to stock up on them," said Ms. Yang, a pharmacy worker.

Well stocked Lianhua Qingwen Capsules.
Well stocked Lianhua Qingwen Capsules.

In a Tongjunge Pharmacy located in Linjiangmen, Yuzhong District, some commonly used antipyretics were also available. "Conventional antipyretics are basically easy to buy. Antigen test kits are delivered sporadically, which would be unavailable after sold out on the same day, so customers can only wait for next delivery," said Ms. Yuan, the head of the pharmacy. "What is difficult to buy now is the blood oximeter, which is out of stock."

Available Ibuprofen and other antipyretics.
Available Ibuprofen and other antipyretics.

Online drug purchase: antigen kit can be purchased

On December 25, Heping Pharmacy replenished the medicine for several times on its WeChat Mini Program and sold more than 1,000 antigen test kits. However, they were still in demand and would be sold out again a few minutes after each replenishment. In addition, Vanhe Drugstore also sold antigen test kits on its WeChat Mini Program.

On Meituan, Eleme and other medicine takeaway platforms, the reporter searched "Lanqin Oral Liquid" and found that it was sold in many pharmacies nearby. If buying medicine in JD, you can make an appointment at 10:00, 12:00 and 20:00 every day for anti-epidemic medical materials such as Lianhua Qingwen Capsules and antigen test kits.

Luo Gang, chairman and general manager of Chongqing Heping Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd., said that at present, Heping Pharmacy has started the mode of nationwide shopping, broadened the purchase channels, increased the purchase of urgently needed drugs, and added replaceable products to meet the demand of citizens for medicine. According to him, Heping Pharmacy has 800 stores, and it is estimated that 5,000 pieces of anti-epidemic drugs such as cold, fever and cough medicine will be released every day. However, in order to ensure that more people can buy them, some of the badly needed anti-epidemic drugs will also be retailed. "In addition, it is expected that 500,000 antigen test kits will be put on the market every day, and each person is limited to one box every day, so as to meet the needs of the public while ensuring stable prices." Luo Gang also suggested that everyone should prepare medicine reasonably. One box of antipyretics is enough for a family of four members in fever, leaving the spare drugs for others who need them. (Translated by Hu Chuanmin, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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