“Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” kicks off to build an international consumption destination
The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off.

“Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” kicks off to build an international consumption destination


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off in the central square of Chongqing’s Jiefangbei at 19:00 on December 28.

The music show in the opening ceremony.
The music show in the opening ceremony.

"As Sichuan and Chongqing are in close proximity to each other, Sichuan and Chongqing are as close as one family. Today, we hope this shopping festival will bring together Sichuan and Chongqing to step up the construction of an international consumption center and serve as an economic engine for consumer markets in the two provincial-level regions,” Zhang Yongwu, the Party secretary and director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce said in his speech. He added, over recent years, the commissions of commerce of the two cities have worked together to accelerate the construction of an international consumption destination in China with Bashu culture (Sichuan and Chongqing characteristics).

Four strengths to boost economic recovery

At the opening ceremony, there are videos showing the new trendy consumption facilities with Sichuan and Chongqing characteristics in the emerging international consumption destination, such as the Jiefangbei-Chaotianmen business district, The Ring shopping mall, and the urban culture and tourism street —— the 9th Street in Chongqing, Jiaozi Avenue, Yulin Donglu special business street, and Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu. These videos are useful guidelines for residents in both Sichuan and Chongqing to enjoy the new consumption facilities, taste the new flavor, and experience the new fun.

Consumption activities that benefit the masses with real money are held in over 60 districts and counties of Sichuan and Chongqing. The videos also present many interesting and joyful promotions such as the “3rd International Shopping Festival in Jiefangbei” in Yuzhou, the “Head into a New Year: from 2022 to 2023” promotion in Jiulongpo District, the “Gifts for the Christmas and the New Year’s Day” below-the-line winter promotion of vehicles in Jiangbei District, and Three Gorges Food Culture Festival and Wanzhou Grilled Fish Festival 2022 in Wanzhou District. Merchants in Liangjiang New Area have launched offers worth a total of 200 million yuan and coupons worth 30 million yuan, Jiulongpo District has offered coupons worth 5 million yuan for shopping, cultural tourism, and sports, Nan'an District has offered coupons of 5 million yuan, Beibei, Nanchuan, Liangping, Wushan, Hi-tech Development Zone and other districts and counties have also provided consumers with coupons. In addition, 21 Chengdu-Chongqing routes for winter tourism have been released to provide tourists with a more diversified and higher quality consumption experience with deeper value.

The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off.
The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off.

The representatives of Chongqing’s ten key commercial enterprises are invited to make declarations for the “consumption activities that benefit the masses” action, including representatives from Chongqing Department Store Co., Ltd., Longhu Real Estate Group, and Jingdong Century Trade Co., Ltd. These companies have launched the New Year's IP activity "Wonderful Marketplace in Paradise Street", the shopping festival with great value for the New Year, the “Shopping in JD for the New Year” shopping season, and subsidies of ten million yuan for consumers to celebrate the upcoming New Year.

Coupons help you save up to 888 yuan

Millions of consumption coupons will be distributed to Sichuan and Chongqing consumers in Yuzhong District, the main venue of the event. The first round of distribution will start at 11:00 a.m. on December 30.

The thematically-linked lighting in Jiefangbei.
The thematically-linked lighting in Jiefangbei.

The first type of special offer is millions of general coupons “Sales in Yuzhou” including ¥300 off on the purchase of ¥1000, ¥50 off on the purchase of ¥200, and ¥20 off on purchases of ¥50, which can be used for shopping, catering, beauty salons, hotel, and other consumption facilities; the second type of special offers, thousands of “urban lucky bags” containing 88 yuan, 288 yuan, and 888 yuan can be gained through a prize draw and be used without limitation; the third type of special offers, “urban gifts”, will be offered to facilitate the consumption in the field of travel, public transport and catering, with the assistance of Alipay, Baidu and other their-party platforms; the fourth type, “Merchants’ Special Offers”, include the coupons and consumption subsidies worth tens of millions of yuan that Chongqing Department Store and Suning Tesco provide to the purchase of electrical appliances.

The commodity exhibition area in the shape of a carriage.
The commodity exhibition area in the shape of a carriage.

When it’s time, residents can search “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival” or “Sale in Yuzhong”, or scan the QR code of the event through Alipay to receive the coupons and use the coupons in relevant shopping malls, shopping centers, shopping streets, or key enterprises (please refer to the public notice and consult the relevant businesses for details) in Yuzhong District within the validity period. Only one coupon can be used for a single payment, and the same user can use a coupon once a day in the same store. The consumption vouchers and other discounts offered by shopping malls and merchants can be used at the same time.

During the shopping festival, governments, banks, and enterprises will strengthen their cooperation to offer special discounts and shopping coupons to consumers. More than 500 supermarkets, shopping centers, e-commerce enterprises, local life service platforms, and other enterprises will jointly launch promotional activities. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

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“Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” kicks off to build an international consumption destination

2022-12-30 09:24:13 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off in the central square of Chongqing’s Jiefangbei at 19:00 on December 28.

The music show in the opening ceremony.
The music show in the opening ceremony.

"As Sichuan and Chongqing are in close proximity to each other, Sichuan and Chongqing are as close as one family. Today, we hope this shopping festival will bring together Sichuan and Chongqing to step up the construction of an international consumption center and serve as an economic engine for consumer markets in the two provincial-level regions,” Zhang Yongwu, the Party secretary and director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce said in his speech. He added, over recent years, the commissions of commerce of the two cities have worked together to accelerate the construction of an international consumption destination in China with Bashu culture (Sichuan and Chongqing characteristics).

Four strengths to boost economic recovery

At the opening ceremony, there are videos showing the new trendy consumption facilities with Sichuan and Chongqing characteristics in the emerging international consumption destination, such as the Jiefangbei-Chaotianmen business district, The Ring shopping mall, and the urban culture and tourism street —— the 9th Street in Chongqing, Jiaozi Avenue, Yulin Donglu special business street, and Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu. These videos are useful guidelines for residents in both Sichuan and Chongqing to enjoy the new consumption facilities, taste the new flavor, and experience the new fun.

Consumption activities that benefit the masses with real money are held in over 60 districts and counties of Sichuan and Chongqing. The videos also present many interesting and joyful promotions such as the “3rd International Shopping Festival in Jiefangbei” in Yuzhou, the “Head into a New Year: from 2022 to 2023” promotion in Jiulongpo District, the “Gifts for the Christmas and the New Year’s Day” below-the-line winter promotion of vehicles in Jiangbei District, and Three Gorges Food Culture Festival and Wanzhou Grilled Fish Festival 2022 in Wanzhou District. Merchants in Liangjiang New Area have launched offers worth a total of 200 million yuan and coupons worth 30 million yuan, Jiulongpo District has offered coupons worth 5 million yuan for shopping, cultural tourism, and sports, Nan'an District has offered coupons of 5 million yuan, Beibei, Nanchuan, Liangping, Wushan, Hi-tech Development Zone and other districts and counties have also provided consumers with coupons. In addition, 21 Chengdu-Chongqing routes for winter tourism have been released to provide tourists with a more diversified and higher quality consumption experience with deeper value.

The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off.
The “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival 2022” and “Love in Chongqing · Shopping for the New Year 2023” kicked off.

The representatives of Chongqing’s ten key commercial enterprises are invited to make declarations for the “consumption activities that benefit the masses” action, including representatives from Chongqing Department Store Co., Ltd., Longhu Real Estate Group, and Jingdong Century Trade Co., Ltd. These companies have launched the New Year's IP activity "Wonderful Marketplace in Paradise Street", the shopping festival with great value for the New Year, the “Shopping in JD for the New Year” shopping season, and subsidies of ten million yuan for consumers to celebrate the upcoming New Year.

Coupons help you save up to 888 yuan

Millions of consumption coupons will be distributed to Sichuan and Chongqing consumers in Yuzhong District, the main venue of the event. The first round of distribution will start at 11:00 a.m. on December 30.

The thematically-linked lighting in Jiefangbei.
The thematically-linked lighting in Jiefangbei.

The first type of special offer is millions of general coupons “Sales in Yuzhou” including ¥300 off on the purchase of ¥1000, ¥50 off on the purchase of ¥200, and ¥20 off on purchases of ¥50, which can be used for shopping, catering, beauty salons, hotel, and other consumption facilities; the second type of special offers, thousands of “urban lucky bags” containing 88 yuan, 288 yuan, and 888 yuan can be gained through a prize draw and be used without limitation; the third type of special offers, “urban gifts”, will be offered to facilitate the consumption in the field of travel, public transport and catering, with the assistance of Alipay, Baidu and other their-party platforms; the fourth type, “Merchants’ Special Offers”, include the coupons and consumption subsidies worth tens of millions of yuan that Chongqing Department Store and Suning Tesco provide to the purchase of electrical appliances.

The commodity exhibition area in the shape of a carriage.
The commodity exhibition area in the shape of a carriage.

When it’s time, residents can search “Chengdu-Chongqing Shopping Festival” or “Sale in Yuzhong”, or scan the QR code of the event through Alipay to receive the coupons and use the coupons in relevant shopping malls, shopping centers, shopping streets, or key enterprises (please refer to the public notice and consult the relevant businesses for details) in Yuzhong District within the validity period. Only one coupon can be used for a single payment, and the same user can use a coupon once a day in the same store. The consumption vouchers and other discounts offered by shopping malls and merchants can be used at the same time.

During the shopping festival, governments, banks, and enterprises will strengthen their cooperation to offer special discounts and shopping coupons to consumers. More than 500 supermarkets, shopping centers, e-commerce enterprises, local life service platforms, and other enterprises will jointly launch promotional activities. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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