The first stop of Chongqing's "Over One Hundred Business Delegations and Over One Thousand Enterprises" welcomes "good start"
On the afternoon of January 10th, the first centralized contracts were signed in Malaysia.

The first stop of Chongqing's "Over One Hundred Business Delegations and Over One Thousand Enterprises" welcomes "good start"


Chongqing (CQNEWS) -- On the afternoon of January 10th, the first centralized contracts were signed in Malaysia on the international market development plan of Chongqing's "Over One Hundred Business Delegations and Over One Thousand Enterprises".

This time, 23 enterprises were organized to visit new and old customers in Malaysia and Thailand to discuss cooperation. 23 enterprises are involved in 9 industries, including hardware tools, general machinery, automobile and motorcycle, food and textile, covering all fields of Chongqing's characteristic and superior products. Among them, there are 22 private enterprises and 1 state-owned enterprise; there are 20 manufacturing enterprises and 3 trading enterprises.

At the first centralized signing ceremony in Malaysia, nine Chongqing enterprises, including Fengmi (Chongqing) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Dazu Caiyi Hardware Factory and Chongqing Beidou Jiean New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., signed contracts with Malaysian enterprises on 11 projects, with the contracted amount exceeding 100 million yuan.
"This order is signed!" Shuai Ling, director of public affairs of Fengmi (Chongqing) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., excitedly sent back the good news to his colleagues in Chongqing. This time, he signed an order of USD500,000 with IWorldplus Enterprise of Malaysia. Although the amount is not big, it has added a lot of confidence to the enterprise.

Before the trip, Shuai Ling contacted the customer through the network, but the order was not confirmed. It was not until this face-to-face communication that the contract was finally signed. Shuai Ling said gratefully that the government set up a bridge for enterprises. Before departure, he contacted the local business association. After arriving, he quickly held a discussion and organized local entrepreneurs to communicate together, looking for opportunities and sparks. Under the organization of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, he and more than 20 other entrepreneurs also went to Kuala Lumpur's major supermarkets, shopping malls, wholesale markets, home appliance audio projection markets, Port Klang, etc. to make on-the-spot visits, and learn about the supply, demand and prices of electronic products, clothing, building materials, hardware, etc. in Malaysia.
He didn't go abroad to negotiate for three years, so Shuai Ling feels that the outside market has changed a lot, "Malaysia is developing rapidly, but many goods come from China, so we still have great business opportunities!"

The products signed by Fengmi Technology this time are overseas version of laser TV and intelligent micro-projection. "Our products are still very advantageous. Laser TV is a tricolor laser, equipped with Bowers & Wilkins' stereo; intelligent micro-projection is small and easy to carry, some of them have their own batteries, and its resolution is 4k, so it is suitable for camping. The product is also licensed by Android TV, and customers can use it directly after purchasing it. For such condition, there are only three in the projector industry in the world." Shuai Ling proudly said that in Thailand after three days, he hoped to sign another order and return home for the Spring Festival with a fruitful result!

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The first stop of Chongqing's "Over One Hundred Business Delegations and Over One Thousand Enterprises" welcomes "good start"

2023-01-12 14:53:45 来源:

Chongqing (CQNEWS) -- On the afternoon of January 10th, the first centralized contracts were signed in Malaysia on the international market development plan of Chongqing's "Over One Hundred Business Delegations and Over One Thousand Enterprises".

This time, 23 enterprises were organized to visit new and old customers in Malaysia and Thailand to discuss cooperation. 23 enterprises are involved in 9 industries, including hardware tools, general machinery, automobile and motorcycle, food and textile, covering all fields of Chongqing's characteristic and superior products. Among them, there are 22 private enterprises and 1 state-owned enterprise; there are 20 manufacturing enterprises and 3 trading enterprises.

At the first centralized signing ceremony in Malaysia, nine Chongqing enterprises, including Fengmi (Chongqing) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Dazu Caiyi Hardware Factory and Chongqing Beidou Jiean New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., signed contracts with Malaysian enterprises on 11 projects, with the contracted amount exceeding 100 million yuan.
"This order is signed!" Shuai Ling, director of public affairs of Fengmi (Chongqing) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., excitedly sent back the good news to his colleagues in Chongqing. This time, he signed an order of USD500,000 with IWorldplus Enterprise of Malaysia. Although the amount is not big, it has added a lot of confidence to the enterprise.

Before the trip, Shuai Ling contacted the customer through the network, but the order was not confirmed. It was not until this face-to-face communication that the contract was finally signed. Shuai Ling said gratefully that the government set up a bridge for enterprises. Before departure, he contacted the local business association. After arriving, he quickly held a discussion and organized local entrepreneurs to communicate together, looking for opportunities and sparks. Under the organization of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, he and more than 20 other entrepreneurs also went to Kuala Lumpur's major supermarkets, shopping malls, wholesale markets, home appliance audio projection markets, Port Klang, etc. to make on-the-spot visits, and learn about the supply, demand and prices of electronic products, clothing, building materials, hardware, etc. in Malaysia.
He didn't go abroad to negotiate for three years, so Shuai Ling feels that the outside market has changed a lot, "Malaysia is developing rapidly, but many goods come from China, so we still have great business opportunities!"

The products signed by Fengmi Technology this time are overseas version of laser TV and intelligent micro-projection. "Our products are still very advantageous. Laser TV is a tricolor laser, equipped with Bowers & Wilkins' stereo; intelligent micro-projection is small and easy to carry, some of them have their own batteries, and its resolution is 4k, so it is suitable for camping. The product is also licensed by Android TV, and customers can use it directly after purchasing it. For such condition, there are only three in the projector industry in the world." Shuai Ling proudly said that in Thailand after three days, he hoped to sign another order and return home for the Spring Festival with a fruitful result!

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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