Keywords to understand China|促就业让青年有“位”更有为
Place a higher priority on promoting the employment of young people, particularly college graduates.

Keywords to understand China|促就业让青年有“位”更有为


Hello, everyone, 华龙网-新重庆客户端两会双语特别栏目“keywords to understand China”又与大家见面了。
I am Helen, from Belarus, and I am a master’s degree student. I am interested in working and living in China in the future, so I am concerned about employment issues.
This year's government work report mentions these contents:
around 12 million new urban jobs
Place a higher priority on promoting the employment of young people, particularly college graduates.
It is said that the number of graduates from Chinese universities will reach 11.58 million this year, which puts a bit of pressure on my classmates and me who are about to graduate and find a job. However, this year's government work report put forward the expected target of about 12 million new jobs in urban areas, which showed me that China's determination and ability to solve the employment problem are very valuable. Under the influence of multiple factors such as the severe impact of the epidemic, the high unemployment rate has become a headache for many countries. At present, China's economic vitality has recovered, and the government has actively introduced measures to stimulate the vitality of the market. Many transportation construction projects around the country are signing contracts to start construction one after another, and more people are going out and travel, and online corporate recruitment information is also increasing one after another. At the same time, not only employment, but also a lot of policy support for young people's entrepreneurship. This makes me feel the vitality of China's vigorous development. I like my life here very much and I am full of confidence in my future development.

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Keywords to understand China|促就业让青年有“位”更有为

2023-03-10 14:59:44 来源:

Hello, everyone, 华龙网-新重庆客户端两会双语特别栏目“keywords to understand China”又与大家见面了。
I am Helen, from Belarus, and I am a master’s degree student. I am interested in working and living in China in the future, so I am concerned about employment issues.
This year's government work report mentions these contents:
around 12 million new urban jobs
Place a higher priority on promoting the employment of young people, particularly college graduates.
It is said that the number of graduates from Chinese universities will reach 11.58 million this year, which puts a bit of pressure on my classmates and me who are about to graduate and find a job. However, this year's government work report put forward the expected target of about 12 million new jobs in urban areas, which showed me that China's determination and ability to solve the employment problem are very valuable. Under the influence of multiple factors such as the severe impact of the epidemic, the high unemployment rate has become a headache for many countries. At present, China's economic vitality has recovered, and the government has actively introduced measures to stimulate the vitality of the market. Many transportation construction projects around the country are signing contracts to start construction one after another, and more people are going out and travel, and online corporate recruitment information is also increasing one after another. At the same time, not only employment, but also a lot of policy support for young people's entrepreneurship. This makes me feel the vitality of China's vigorous development. I like my life here very much and I am full of confidence in my future development.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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