Keywords to understand China|推窗见绿 出门入园!看细节里的绿色中国
Advance energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas.

Keywords to understand China|推窗见绿 出门入园!看细节里的绿色中国


Hello, everyone, 华龙网-新重庆客户端两会双语特别栏目“Keywords to understand China”又与大家见面了。
I am 古乐, from Zimbabwe. This is my 4th year in China, and I have witnessed the great changes of Chongqing during my study here.
This year, the Chinese goverment work report in ecology confirmed that:
Advance energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas, and continue working to keep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean.

I personally have very strong feelings about this, because I feel blessed to have poetry and dreamland all around me, especially when I get tired of daily work and study, I can open the window and enjoy the landscape, flowers and plants outside, or I can go to the parks nearby for a walk, and all my fatigue or stress are gone in no time, so it is really important to protect the ecology. As far as I know, the Chinese government has always attached great importance to ecological protection. In Chongqing, for example, not only has the sky become bluer and the water clearer in the past years, but there are also many special "pocket parks" around various communities, such as the Huguishi Huajie Park where I am standing right now is one of them. I heard that Chongqing is going to build 100 pocket parks like this this year. In short, it has always been the government's goal to see the greenery whenever we open the window or get out of the door. Chongqing is also working hard to build a strong ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and you may often see unknown wild birds over the Yangtze and Jialing rivers. Some people around me like to ride shared bicycles,it is a contribution to green development travelling in such a low-carbon way. These details are a true reflection of a green China, and I believe that China will be even more poetic and beautiful in the future in its green development.

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Keywords to understand China|推窗见绿 出门入园!看细节里的绿色中国

2023-03-10 16:50:18 来源:

Hello, everyone, 华龙网-新重庆客户端两会双语特别栏目“Keywords to understand China”又与大家见面了。
I am 古乐, from Zimbabwe. This is my 4th year in China, and I have witnessed the great changes of Chongqing during my study here.
This year, the Chinese goverment work report in ecology confirmed that:
Advance energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas, and continue working to keep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean.

I personally have very strong feelings about this, because I feel blessed to have poetry and dreamland all around me, especially when I get tired of daily work and study, I can open the window and enjoy the landscape, flowers and plants outside, or I can go to the parks nearby for a walk, and all my fatigue or stress are gone in no time, so it is really important to protect the ecology. As far as I know, the Chinese government has always attached great importance to ecological protection. In Chongqing, for example, not only has the sky become bluer and the water clearer in the past years, but there are also many special "pocket parks" around various communities, such as the Huguishi Huajie Park where I am standing right now is one of them. I heard that Chongqing is going to build 100 pocket parks like this this year. In short, it has always been the government's goal to see the greenery whenever we open the window or get out of the door. Chongqing is also working hard to build a strong ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and you may often see unknown wild birds over the Yangtze and Jialing rivers. Some people around me like to ride shared bicycles,it is a contribution to green development travelling in such a low-carbon way. These details are a true reflection of a green China, and I believe that China will be even more poetic and beautiful in the future in its green development.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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