Keywords to understand China|数字化生活 让便利触手可及
We should strive to develop digital economy, step up regular oversight, and support the development of platform economy.

Keywords to understand China|数字化生活 让便利触手可及


Hello, everyone, 华龙网-新重庆客户端两会双语特别栏目“Keywords to understand China”又与大家见面了。
I am Yelena, from France. For this year’s two sessions, I put my focus on the state of digital economy, since I am able to enjoy the convenience brought by smart life on a daily basis here in China. This year, the Chinese government work report mentioned that: 


We should strive to develop digital economy, step up regular oversight, and support the development of platform economy.
Speaking of digital economy, the first thing that comes to my mind is the scan-to-pay option available everywhere in China. A phone, a QR code, and your transaction can take place, no need to worry about gathering change any longer. Besides the scan-to-pay, for example in Chongqing, the city I live in, you can have your meal, medicine, etc just by using an app. Not only is this convenient for us to save time to do other things, but also for businesses to expand their consumer base. Digital economy also plays a big part in the stimulation and acceleration of logistics development. In the past, during double 11 shopping festival, you had to wait many days for your package to get delivered, but now, you can receive your package on the second day. Logistics delivery costs are also getting much cheaper, which allows more goods coming from the mountains to get delivered to different places, giving them more visibility. I am currently in Chongqing Lijia Smart Park, a place where are gathered cutting-edge, fashionable, smart, technological innovations. Here, you can find not only futuristic sights, but also some of the sights that have become part of our daily lives, such as face recognition lockers, VR games, smart station signs and so on! The development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other new technologies allowed new industries, new platforms to flourish. Moreover, it also allowed online and offline integration, telemedicine, intelligent logistics and other application scenarios to become fully spread. Digital technology is entering every aspect of production and life, I believe life in the future can be more convenient and smarter!

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Keywords to understand China|数字化生活 让便利触手可及

2023-03-13 10:15:38 来源:

Hello, everyone, 华龙网-新重庆客户端两会双语特别栏目“Keywords to understand China”又与大家见面了。
I am Yelena, from France. For this year’s two sessions, I put my focus on the state of digital economy, since I am able to enjoy the convenience brought by smart life on a daily basis here in China. This year, the Chinese government work report mentioned that: 


We should strive to develop digital economy, step up regular oversight, and support the development of platform economy.
Speaking of digital economy, the first thing that comes to my mind is the scan-to-pay option available everywhere in China. A phone, a QR code, and your transaction can take place, no need to worry about gathering change any longer. Besides the scan-to-pay, for example in Chongqing, the city I live in, you can have your meal, medicine, etc just by using an app. Not only is this convenient for us to save time to do other things, but also for businesses to expand their consumer base. Digital economy also plays a big part in the stimulation and acceleration of logistics development. In the past, during double 11 shopping festival, you had to wait many days for your package to get delivered, but now, you can receive your package on the second day. Logistics delivery costs are also getting much cheaper, which allows more goods coming from the mountains to get delivered to different places, giving them more visibility. I am currently in Chongqing Lijia Smart Park, a place where are gathered cutting-edge, fashionable, smart, technological innovations. Here, you can find not only futuristic sights, but also some of the sights that have become part of our daily lives, such as face recognition lockers, VR games, smart station signs and so on! The development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other new technologies allowed new industries, new platforms to flourish. Moreover, it also allowed online and offline integration, telemedicine, intelligent logistics and other application scenarios to become fully spread. Digital technology is entering every aspect of production and life, I believe life in the future can be more convenient and smarter!

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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