
Chongqing News

University "contracting" a building for its graduates in Jiefangbei

2023-06-28 11:37:49

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Do you remember your graduation gift? The gift for the graduates of the Grade 2023 in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute is a shining memory. On the evening of June 26, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute launched the special plan for the graduation season 2023 – "Catching the Light and Drawing Dreams". On the facade of the landmark building – Fosun International Center in Chongqing, with the lights keeping flashing, messages and wishes from students and their almamater alternated one by one.

Special Plan for Graduation Season 2023 of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Catching the Light and Drawing Dreams held.
Special Plan for Graduation Season 2023 of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Catching the Light and Drawing Dreams held.

In the Jiangbei Jiangtan Park opposite the Fosun International Center, nearly 100 graduates from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, dressed in their bachelor's and master's uniforms, were taking photos and recording videos to leave precious memories. Some were laughing while some were in tears.

"This is a generous and romantic graduation gift, and I am extremely proud of being a student of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute," said Liu Ming, a graduate of the School of Design in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, adding that she felt the "favor" from her alma mater.

Graduates taking a group photo.
Graduates taking a group photo.
Teachers and students taking a group photo.
Teachers and students taking a group photo.

Wu Qian, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, said that this activity was a special plan for the graduation season 2023 of the school. Graduates were asked to leave messages to their alma mater in advance. Finally, 12 blessings were selected, as well as the school motto of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and professional messages.

“Giving such a generous gift to graduates through the ‘super screen’ on one of the landmark buildings in Chongqing showed the great sincerity for the students who are about to leave the school from their alma mater and this city." Wu Qian explained that a number of city landmark buildings along the two rivers and four riverbanks were designed by artists from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, such as the visual effect design of Hongyadong. It is of special significance to hold such activities here for graduates.

It is reported that the activity was jointly held by the Youth League Committee of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and City Window. (Translated by Hu Chuanmin, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei