
Chongqing News

Only 24 hours taken for Wushan plums from branches to customers by aircraft

2023-06-30 14:08:49

“Plums Flight” officially launched by Wushan Airport on June 28, 2023
“Plums Flight” officially launched by Wushan Airport on June 28, 2023

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- China Postal Airlines Boeing 737 all-cargo aircraft safely landed on the airport at 11:08, June 28. From this date, Wushan Airport officially launched “Plums Flight”, opening the prelude for e-commerce transportation of 2023 Wushan plums.

According to reports, after Wushan Airport officially launched “Plums Flight”, daily flights are planned to transport Wushan plums to all parts of the country. During the high-yield period, the “Plums Flight” will fly 2 times a day, and it is expected to fly about 30 times during the whole harvest season.

The first batch of plums on board
The first batch of plums on board

The person in charge of Wushan Airport said that “the freight volume of ‘Plums Freight’ is obviously higher than that of the last year, so the operation period will be increased to 20 days from 15 days.” It is expected that the total volume of plums will be more than 300t which will be 50% more than that of the last year, realizing arrival to more than 1,000 domestic cities in the following day.

In order to ensure that the fresh plums can be served to all parts of the country within 24 hours, Wushan Airport cooperated with China Postal Airlines to more scientifically optimize the transfer links, open green channels including giving priority to warehouse reservation, weighing and security check, and establish a truck-air-truck system of “field picking, special postal truck and fast transfer to aircraft”, providing efficient support service for plums and making contribution to the efficient forwarding of Wushan plums.

The first “Plums Freight” welcomed by Wushan Airport with water gate
The first “Plums Freight” welcomed by Wushan Airport with water gate

The plums picked from the Plums Orchard, Ganyuan Village, Quchi Township, Wushan in the early morning can be served to thousands upon thousands of families in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shenzhen and other cities within 24 hours. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei