
Chongqing News

Chongqing Liangjiang New Area issues 128 application scenarios after implementation of “Starry Sky” Action for one year

2023-06-30 14:32:27

Site of “Starry Sky” Action for Software and Information Service Industry held by Chongqing Liangjiang New Area (Photographed by Zhang Weizhen)
Site of “Starry Sky” Action for Software and Information Service Industry held by Chongqing Liangjiang New Area (Photographed by Zhang Weizhen)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Chongqing Liangjiang New Area held the “Starry Sky” Action for Software and Information Service Industry on June 27. On the site, 10 projects were signed, covering digital medical, digital audio and video, e-commerce and other fields. After the formal operation, the industry chain of software and information service industry in Liangjiang New Area will be further improved.

In recent years, the development trend of software industry in Liangjiang New Area has been strong, and the industrial scale and benefits have increased rapidly. In particular, since the implementation of the “Starry Sky” Action in Chongqing, Liangjiang New Area has added 210,000-square-meter building area, had nearly 7,300 enterprises in total after 754 software enterprises added, had more than 96,000 persons after more than 12,000 persons added, released 128 application scenarios with a total investment of about 3.5 billion yuan, and increased revenues from software business of about 6.5 billion yuan.

License ceremony of Liangjiang New Area Station of China Chongqing Talent Market for Digital Economy (Photographed by Zhang Weizhen)
License ceremony of Liangjiang New Area Station of China Chongqing Talent Market for Digital Economy (Photographed by Zhang Weizhen)

On that day, Liangjiang New Area Economic Operation Bureau issued the third batch of software and information service industry application scenarios in 2023, and held the licensing ceremony of Liangjiang New Area Station of China Chongqing Talent Market for Digital Economy and the awarding ceremony of Liangjiang Software Industry Famous Parks, Enterprises and Products. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei