
Chongqing News

Chongqing holds the first Chongqing Global Trade Exhibition after two-month preparation, an eight-day trip, and a 24-hour sprint

2023-07-03 14:58:59

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- China and Belarus Exhibition of Goods and Services, and the 2023 Chongqing Global Trade – Chongqing Export Commodities (Belarus) Exhibition were held on June 29 local time in the China-Belarus industrial park in Minsk. This is the first Chongqing Global Trade Exhibition to take place overseas.
During the exhibition, 24 Chongqing enterprises signed with Belarusian enterprises projects, which are expected to total USD 10 million.
The impressive figures are just one of the objectives of the business delegation led by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce to expand the market in Kazakhstan and Belarus. To fully understand the international market along the Belt and Road, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce and relevant enterprises worked hard during the eight-day trip.

The China and Belarus Exhibition of Goods and Services was held in the China-Belarus industrial park in Minsk on June 29 local times.
The China and Belarus Exhibition of Goods and Services was held in the China-Belarus industrial park in Minsk on June 29 local times.

24 hours
Chongqing’s speed of exhibition arrangement is highly praised by foreign friends
The business delegation arrived at Minsk National Airport in two groups in the early morning of June 27.

It was less than 24 hours before the opening of the Chongqing Global Trade Exhibition on June 29.
Apart from the time for rest, only around 10 hours were left for tor the delegation to arrange the exhibition in the 600-square-meter exhibition area and familiarize themselves with the site and the process.
Compared to the domestic exhibition in China, Minsk has new requirements and standards for the layout of the pavilion. For example, the exhibits can not be moved at will, posters cannot be put up on stands, large tapes cannot be used, hooks and lanyards are not provided, and exhibition arrangement has to be stopped after 8 p.m.

The delegation was working against the clock to arrange the exhibition.
The delegation was working against the clock to arrange the exhibition.

The delegation members worked in unity and close cooperation and finally completed the exhibition arrangement on time. The “speed of Chongqing” was highly praised by Belarusian workers.

The Chongqing business delegation visited auto parts markets.
The Chongqing business delegation visited auto parts markets.

Eight-day visit
Fruitful business discussions during the “Special Force” trip
The eight-day visit to Kazakhstan and Belarus is part of the international market expansion plan “Hundreds and Thousands of Enterprises” initiated by Chongqing early this year.
It took around 15 hours for the delegation to arrive at their first stop of the journey, Astana, from Chongqing at 1:00 a.m. on June 24.
After a short break, they started to visit the local markets for auto parts in Astana.
They communicated with several managers and dealers in the auto parts shopping centers, auto self-service centers, and second-hand car markets, and stayed busy until 7 p.m. They even sorted out information about the latest market demands they learned on the day.
Such intensive investigation will continue throughout the eight-day trip.
Xu Xincheng, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce, adjusted the scheduled itinerary for the business delegation based on the actual situation, making every effort to seize the possible business opportunities.

Representatives of both Chongqing and Belarusian enterprises were discussing business at 8:00 p.m. local time in Kazakhstan.
Representatives of both Chongqing and Belarusian enterprises were discussing business at 8:00 p.m. local time in Kazakhstan.

The next day, the Chongqing business delegation departed Astana at 4:15 a.m. local time and arrived in Minsk after a four-hour flight trip. After taking a rest for two hours in the hotel, they began their trip of market research in Belarus.
“It seems we are not on a trip for 'special forces'.”
"This eight-day trip is much more efficient and fruitful than a one-quarter online communication.”

The Chongqing business delegation met with the National “Atameken” Chamber of Entrepreneurs.
The Chongqing business delegation met with the National “Atameken” Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

Two-month preparation
Brave difficulties to embrace a brighter future
The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce has made preparations for the business trip to Kazakhstan and Belarus for two months.
Pu Pu, deputy director of the Trade Promotion Office of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce, said that in mid-April, the Consulate General of Belarus in Chongqing invited Chongqing to participate in the China and Belarus Exhibition of Goods and Services in the China-Belarus industrial park in Minsk. Chongqing immediately began the preparatory work then.
The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce conducted thorough research on the Kazakhstan and Belarus markets in terms of market complementarity and the actual demand of enterprises. The final delegation is mainly engaged in the industries concerning automobile, motorcycle & spare parts, biomedicine, industrial machinery, and chemical products and consists of the representatives of well-known enterprises like Changan Auto and TAIJI Group.
Coordinating the work of participating enterprises was a tedious but not difficult task, but there were lots of difficulties in completing the coordination work with different departments and enterprises of the two countries in less than two months, according to the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce.

The Chongqing business delegation met with the Ministry of Economy of Belarus.
The Chongqing business delegation met with the Ministry of Economy of Belarus.

The international situation is complex and changeable and the competition from abroad became fiercer; therefore, Chongqing has to seek opportunities for development abroad, said Xu Xincheng.
The Chongqing business delegation had made careful preparation before the trip, and both Kazakhstan and Belarus gave Chongqing a positive response and feedback on this business trip.
After finishing the business trips to Kazakhstan and Belarus, Chongqing will plan trips to France, Italy, Mexico, and Colombia.
Chongqing enterprises will be integrated into the global market with the international market expansion plan “Hundreds and Thousands of Enterprises” and “Chongqing Global Trade”. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei