
Chongqing News

“VBA” offers a feast for your eyes and month!

2023-07-06 11:59:09

The Dianjiang V(illage)BA Final takes place in Dianjiang Gymnasium on July 7. (Photographed by Gong Changhao / Visual Chongqing)
The Dianjiang V(illage)BA Final takes place in Dianjiang Gymnasium on July 7. (Photographed by Gong Changhao / Visual Chongqing)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Enjoy the game inside the stadium and go shopping outside. The Hemei Countryside Basketball Final (hereinafter referred to as Dianjiang Village BA) was held in Dianjiang County, Chongqing Municipality on July 4, where spectators could enjoy the basketball game inside the stadium and purchase local agricultural products at the agricultural market outside the stadium.

The audience arrived early outside the stadium at 6:00 p.m. before the game started. Alongside a wonderful basketball game, a consumption poverty alleviation fair for local characteristic agricultural products awaited them. There was a wide range of agricultural products such as Baojia Town's citrus, Gaoan Town's eggs, Pingshan Town's radish, and Wudong Town's watermelons.

Dianjiang Village BA started at 8:00 p.m., involving six of the 24 basketball teams from Dianjiang County. The teams participating in the round of games were on behalf of Yantai Town and Pingshan Town. After 40 minutes of fierce competition, Yantai Town won the game by a score of 60 to 33.

“This game offers a feast for my eyes and mouth,” said Wang Jing, a resident living in Dianjiang County. She had purchased some citrus and watermelon before the game started so that she could have some fruit while watching the game.

“We host a consumption poverty alleviation fair for local characteristic agricultural products in the Dianjiang Village BA to enrich the experience of spectators and promote the industrial development of the townships in Dianjiang,” said the head of the Dianjiang Agriculture and Rural Committee. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei