
Chongqing News

Chongqing intangibles displayed in Singapore

2023-07-19 10:30:22

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- To celebrate the Singapore-Chongqing Week, 90 pieces of Chongqing intangible cultural heritage exhibits were displayed at the Chongqing Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition in the Chinese Cultural Center of Singapore on July 16, attracting numerous local visitors.

The exhibition hall consists of two sections: the performance area for interactive activities and the display area for cultural and creative products. In the performance area, the inheritors of national and municipal non-heritage projects such as the wood-block New Year paintings of Liangping, Chongqing Huangyang Wood Carving, Youzhou Miao Embroidery, Jiangbei Bamboo shell Carving, and leaf-whistling warmly introduced the projects to visitors. In the display area, a wide range of cultural and creative products such as Jiangbei woodcarving handicrafts, Jiangbei embroidery silk scarves, Dazu embroidery handicrafts, Dazu stone carvings, Wulong batik products, Hechuan inkstone, Hechuan Huangyang wood carvings, and Chengkou lacquer ware glutted the eyes of visitors.

I was bowled over by this blue color, and I never thought Miao Embroidery could be made so fashionable, said Ms. Tian, a Singaporean resident who bought a pair of Youzhou Miao embroidery earrings. Youzhou Miao Embroidery made her feel that the intangible cultural heritage came to life.

Several Liangping wood-block New Year paintings were shown at the exhibition. Xu Jiahui, the national representative inheritor of Liangping wood-block New Year paintings, said that he had promoted the paintings in Singapore and many other countries and regions more than ten times. He hoped that Chongqing's intangibles and the wisdom of the Chinese nation will be known by more foreign friends

“These cultural and creative products are exquisite and Chongqing is a beautiful place. I hope that I can witness the charm of this city one day,” said Chen Huiming, Assistant Director of International Affairs from STB International Division. He highly praised Chongqing intangible cultural heritage when visiting the exhibition, and he hoped Chongqing's intangibles would get more recognition and open new markets in Singapore. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei