
Chongqing News

The karst cave in Beibei comparable to “The Lost Tomb”

2023-07-19 11:10:33

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the explorer descended off in the morning sun, he was greeted by a smiling stone statue in the cave. This scene, which is shown in a video clip shared on social media, has attracted many travelers and explorers to witness the mysterious stone status this summer. Where did this statue come from? What makes it attractive for attracting explorers? Let’s visit “Tianyan Cave (the eye of the sky)” in Beibei Liuyin Town to find the answers.

The mysterious stone status draws much attention

Sitting in the cave, the stone statue gives a calm smile. The morning sunlight comes through the entrance of the cave, making the stone status more mysterious and stunning.

The morning sunlight makes the stone statue more mysterious.
The morning sunlight makes the stone statue more mysterious. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

The stone status shown in the video clip is situated in the Eye of Sky – Hualing Scenic Spot in Yongxing Village, Liuyin Town, Beibei District. The scenic spot is dominated mainly by Tianyan Cave. With a length of 32.8 meters, the stone statue in the cave has become a good photo opportunity for travelers and a great destination for explorers to seek adventure.

The origin of the stone status sparks heated discussions on the Internet.

Some netizens said that, the stone statue dates back to the Qing Dynasty and has been hidden in the cave for hundreds of years. However, the local government stated that this statement was inaccurate and lacked necessary verifications.

A visitor descend off to seek adventure in the cave. (Photo provided by the interviewee)
A visitor descend off to seek adventure in the cave. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

According to the Tianyan Cave scenic spot, the stone status is rebuilt based on the shape of the karst cave. It is essentially a kind of reconstruction of the natural landscape.

The karst cave quickly goes viral online

Beibei Tianyan Cave is a karst cave with a naturally formed entrance on top of it. It looks like the eye of the sky. Visitors can look up at the sky even when they are in the cave. That’s why it is called Tianyan Cave.

The unique karst cave has attracted many travelers. (Photo provided by the interviewee)
The unique karst cave has attracted many travelers. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

With a length of 800 meters and a construction area of 30,000 square meters, the cave features splendid stalactites and stone flowers. Mother Nature created amazing mountains and stones of various sizes and shapes, which provide the possibility of natural landscape reconstruction.

The morning light shone in the cave, creating the Tyndall effect. Many travelers descend off the cave by rappelling or down-climbing to make explorations. The magnificent scene of the karst cave makes it “The Lost Tomb” in Chongqing.

Because the vast cave is warm in winter and cool in summer, it has become an ideal place for locals to stay cool in summer. That’s why it goes viral quickly on the Internet, according to the local government in Liuyin Town. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei