
Chongqing News

Night transportation boosts the night economy, the number of e-bike riders at night up 21% in Chongqing

2023-07-26 14:07:39

The number of e-bike riders at night has increased by 30% in Chongqing since the beginning of summer vacation. (Photo provided by the interviewee)
The number of e-bike riders at night has increased by 30% in Chongqing since the beginning of summer vacation. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the night falls, Minxin Jiayuan Night Market (in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing) is crowded with people. Groups of citizens and tourists linger around different stalls in search of fine food, and many of them come to the market by riding shared electric bikes.

Meituan motorcycle data shows that the demand for night cycling in Chongqing has increased significantly since the beginning of summer, with the overall cycling volume rising by more than 21% in the last month. Low-carbon and energy-saving cycling have become the first traffic choice for many Chongqing citizens in summer. The number of bike riders around Minxin Jiayuan Night Market grew by more than 30% month on month, and the increase was more than 40% on weekends and holidays, higher than the average level of the whole Chongqing.

"I've long heard that Minxin Jiayuan Night Market serves a great variety of good food. We come from Chengdu especially for this. We saw many shared bikes near the rail transit station. Biking is a convenient, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly means of transport,” said Zhang Xiaolei, a visitor from Chengdu.

According to Meituan E-bike, the number of non-local users riding shared motorcycles at night nearby Minxin Jiayuan Night Market has increased significantly, and the cycling demand of residents also saw an upward trend. The number of night-riding orders around the Minxin Jianyuan Night market has grown by more than 30%. The market has become one of the most active areas for night cycling.

Data from Meituan and Dianping.com show that since this summer, the search volume related to "night tours," "night markets," and "night rides" has increased by about 80% compared to the same period last year, and the number of related travel guides has increased by 160% compared to the same period last year. Chongqing's dine-in consumption at night accounts for more than 55%, ranking among the top in China. The shopping malls in Jiefangbei and Guanyinqiao have become the top five popular shopping centers at night in Chongqing. The nighttime consumption in Guanyinqiao increased by 60% compared with last year.

Popular night consumption drives the demand for nighttime travel. Data show that the peak cycling period began from 20:00 to 22:00, the order volume accounted for more than 70%, and the night economy is fizzing. In addition, the average length and mileage of a single ride at night were 13.05 minutes and 2.4 km respectively. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei