
Chongqing News

The animated film “30,000 Miles from Chang’an” on screen hits, “Li Bai” returns to Fengjie White King’s Town to read poetry

2023-07-26 14:50:29

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “With monkeys’ sad adieus the riverbanks are loud, my boat has left ten thought mountains far away.” The audience was moved when Li Bai read this line in Chongqing Three Gorges in the blockbuster “30,000 Miles from Chang’an”.

The creative team of “30,000 Miles from Chang’an” comes to Fengjie, Chongqing
The creative team of “30,000 Miles from Chang’an” comes to Fengjie, Chongqing

Recently, the animated film "330,000 Miles from Chang’an” has started a new round of themed activities "Who in the World Doesn't Know You", during which the creative team traveled to various places to look for the trace that the poets of the Tang Dynasty left thousands of years ago. A few days ago, the film directors Xie Junwei and Zou Jing came to Fengjie of Chongqing with Ling Zhenhe (the dubber for young Li Bai), and Lu Lifeng (the dubber for Monitor Cheng). They went sailing on the Yangtze River to experience how Li Bai felt when he wrote the poem Leaving the White King’s Town at Dawn.

The creative team visited the Kuizhou Ancient Town where Li Bai boarded the boat and viewed the beautiful landscape. They also visited White Emperor City and passed through Qutang Gorge on the Kongming ship. During the tour, they were stunned by the beauty in front of them more than once.

Li Bai is the Poet Immortal as well as an ordinary person, and the movie focuses on his chequered life, said Ling Zhenhe. “You need to understand the character from the perspective of an ordinary person.”

The creative team takes a boat trip to the Three Gorges.
The creative team takes a boat trip to the Three Gorges.

“Leaving at dawn the White King crowned with rainbow cloud, I have sailed a thousand miles through Three Georges in a day. With monkeys’ sad adieus, the riverbanks are loud, my boat has left ten thought mountains far away.” The familiar lines were heard again on both sides of the Three Gorges. “It was raining in Fengjie at the time, which presented me with a more beautiful and poetic Three Gorges,” said Ling. 

Fengjie is known as the Poetry City of China, where poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, and Liu Yuxi have written many poetic masterpieces. Since the release of the movie, it has fueled interest in poets and verses, with box office takings of 1.2 billion yuan. At the same time, Fengjie has attracted many visitors from all over the country, who come to look for the trace that Li Bai has left. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei