
Chongqing News

Chinese traditional culture highly praised the Universiade Village becoming an "international village"

2023-08-04 11:18:32

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Welcome to China!” On the evening of August 1, volunteers and members of foreign delegations interacted cordially in the athletes' village of Chengdu Universiade, filled with happy talks and laughter.

As the "base" for the athletes of the Chengdu Universiade, the Universiade Village is as busy as the competition fields. Every afternoon, when the lights in the leisure area are up and stalls filled with various specialty products are set up, many delegation members always will be attracted to here from their rooms to start a rich “after competition” life.

In the Universiade Village, foreign delegation members experiencing Hanfu. (Photo provided by the International Olympic Committee)
In the Universiade Village, foreign delegation members experiencing Hanfu. (Photo provided by the organizing committee)

Paper cuttings, facial makeup, handwriting, rope weaving, Tai Chi... delegation members participated in various cultural activities held in the village with great interest. Under the guidance of teachers, they practiced their actions and skills carefully, feeling traditional Chinese culture attentively.

“I come from Azerbaijan and am a track and field athlete. I love learning Chinese very much." In the handwriting experience area, Nazim, an athlete from Azerbaijani was holding a brush imitating every stroke.

A Pakistani athlete said after experiencing Tai Chi, that this is her first time seeing Tai Chi practiced. “I really like it. It's very slow and can make me feel relaxed after completing practicing. It's great!”

During the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese learning interactive experience event held in the Universiade Village, many foreign delegation members also learned Chinese language, wrote Chinese characters, and sang Chinese songs through human-machine interaction. Walking in the Universiade Village, you can see they talking to Chinese with phrases such as "Ni Hao" (hello) and "Xie Xie" (thank you) everywhere.

Delegation members experience rope weaving. (Photo provided by the International Olympic Committee)
Delegation members experience rope weaving. (Photo provided by the organizing committee)

It is understood that in order to call on young peoples from around the world to meet here to promote their friendship, the Universiade Village has organized a series of cultural exchange activities with Chinese characteristics, the spirit of the times, and youthful charm. As of now, over ten thousands of people have participated in the cultural activities held in the village.

From now on to August 7, there will also be a themed party "Be Together" every day in the Universiade Village. Chinese excellent traditional culture experience activities such as brush writing, Chinese painting, as well as Chinese intangible cultural heritage skills experience activities such as Shu embroidery, bamboo weaving, and paper cuttings.

Many foreign delegation members in the paper cutting experience area. (Photo provided by the International Olympic Committee)
Many foreign delegation members in the paper cutting experience area. (Photo provided by the organizing committee)

The Universiade is a grand event for sports and cultural exchange. Youth from all over the world gather here, making the Universiade Village vibrant and energetic. May all delegation members have a pleasant time here and an unforgettable memory. (Translated by Hu Chuanmin, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei