
Chongqing News

Chongqing Rail Transit Line 18 expected to be completed in this year

2023-08-24 14:51:29

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The reporter recently learned from CRCC Chongqing Investment Group Co., Ltd. that Chongqing Rail Transit Line 18 under a joint debugging test will enter the trial operation stage without passengers as early as next month; and it will be expected to be completed in this year.

Chongqing Rail Transit Line 18 under a joint debugging test
Chongqing Rail Transit Line 18 under a joint debugging test

Passengers can transfer to Line 5 and Jiangtiao Line through the pedestrian bridge at Tiaodeng Station

Line 18 starts at Fuhua Road, passes through Yuzhong District, Jiulongpo District, Banan District and Dadukou District, and ends at Tiaodengnan Station. Its total length is about 29 kilometers and has 19 stations in total.

The reporter saw that Funiuxi Station, as an elevated station, is located near Zhongshun Avenue, Dadukou District; and the self-service ticket machine and entrance and exit gates in the Station had been installed in place, and the staff were busy in debugging equipment.

Tiaodeng Station to Line 5 and Jiangtiao Line
Tiaodeng Station to Line 5 and Jiangtiao Line

Entering Line 18 train undergoing a joint debugging test, the reporter saw that the whole train was turquoise green as the theme color; inside the train, in addition to the light belt on both sides, there were circular headlights in the middle of the roof, which not only makes the lighting in the train better, but also increases the beauty.

The vehicle engineer Ge Qizhao introduced that the train of Line 18 has a length of 117.8 meters, and a width of 3 meters; it is consisted of 6 cars, its maximum operating speed is 100 kilometers per hour, it is capable of containing 2,322 persons at most, and 37 trains will initially be put into operation; the 43-inch LCD ultra-thin LCD screen is used in the car to dynamically display map information, and the seats are ergonomically designed with stainless steel indenting so as to provide passengers with a comfortable and convenient environment.

After taking Line 18 to Tiaodeng Station, passengers can pass the pedestrian bridge to transfer to Line 5 and Jiangtiao Line in the station.

Now, Line 18 under a joint debugging test will enter the trial operation stage without passengers as early as next month; and it will be expected to be completed in this year.

Staff conducting equipment debugging
Staff conducting equipment debugging

China’s longest rail transit “soundproof tunnel” was unveiled to reduce the noise caused by train operation

From Funiuxi Station to Tiaodeng Station, the reporter found through a window that the train was passing a bright “tunnel”.

“This is a fully enclosed sound barrier, which is equivalent to a ‘soundproof tunnel’ built along Line 18, and a ‘mute button’ for train operation.” According to the relevant person in charge of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 18, the sound barrier of Line 18 has a total length of 11 kilometers, covering an area of about 240,000 square meters, which is the largest construction volume, the longest construction line and the largest coverage area of the sound barrier project in the construction of urban rail transit in China.

According to the actual test, when a train passes at 70 kilometers per hour, the sound barrier can reduce the noise by more than 70%, reducing the noise by more than 30 decibels.

The fully enclosed sound barrier of Line 18; photo provided by the interviewee
The fully enclosed sound barrier of Line 18; photo provided by the interviewee

It is worth mentioning that the sound barrier sound absorption board of Line 18 is adopted a transparent design which is beautiful and exquisite but also retains the open field of vision and becomes a landscape. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei