
Chongqing News

Forest Garden in Shimen Park unveiled

2023-09-21 14:38:06


The renovated Shimen Park got a new look!

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Great trees are not only good for shade but also offer a sound environment. The ‘Forest Garden’ built in Shimen Park has been recently completed and unveiled, according to the Chongqing Jiangbei Urban Public Space Management Office.

This is the first forest garden built in the 25 years since the establishment of Shimen Park. Established in 1998, Shimen Park is one of the very first comprehensive parks in Chongqing, and the oldest comprehensive park in Jiangbei District. Located in the central area of Shimen Park, the Forest Park covers an area of 2,000 square meters. It was designed to offer no entrance or path for visitors, and the luxuriant native plants had a negative impact on the understory vegetation. The Forest Park project, part of Shimen Park’s innovation project, started this spring, which re-designs the forest space and formulates plans according to local conditions.

The project proposes to retain the native large trees and plant various plants according to the light, location, and other environmental conditions to create a beautiful garden. For example, sun-loving plants are planted in areas with sufficient light, semi-shade plants in areas with limited light, and shade-loving plants in areas with poor light. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei