
Chongqing News

Immersive "first lesson of new term" given in Chongqing University

2023-09-25 14:18:25

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Have you ever experienced an immersive drama performance as the first lesson of new term that tells the history of foundation of your school? On September 21, the great original drama of school history Chongqing University 1929, written, directed and performed by teachers and students of Chongqing University, was performed for new recruits in 2023 in the Grand Theater of Huxi Campus, Chongqing University.

In the performance.
In the performance. 

It is learned that the drama, based on history archives, is a true and original recreation of CQU’s history. By retrospecting the initiative of founding a university published by Li Kuian (one of the founders of CQU) in Shen Bao in 1925, this drama has recreated the historical events such as the "five elders", "four scholars", the first president, etc., worked together to found and operate CQU, raise money for operation, and construct CQU to improve her education resource.

In the performance.
In the performance.

According to an insider, the creation of this drama started in 2018, whose original title was Stay on Track 1929; In October 2019, it premiered during the 90th anniversary celebration and was praised by teachers and students as "the school history class on the stage"; In 2020, it was upgraded and polished, incorporated in the education of knowing and loving CQU for freshmen in 2020 and 2021, and performed for all freshmen during the military training of freshmen; later, in 2022, it was recreated and renamed as Chongqing University 1929.

In the performance.
In the performance.

The 61 cast members of the drama are all teachers and students of CQU, and the students come from all grades in 13 schools of CQU.

In the performance.
In the performance. 

(Translated by Wang Zhong, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei