
Chongqing News

“First Sunlight-Ma Defang Solo Exhibition” opened in Chongqing

2023-09-26 11:49:26

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On September 23, the “First Sunlight-Ma Defang Solo Exhibition” opened at the South Relocation Memorial of National Palace Museum, Chongqing.

The exhibition, sponsored by Chongqing Jianfan Business Management Ltd and undertaken by the South Relocation Memorial of National Palace Museum, is the first time that artist Ma Defang completely presents things he has gone through as a creator and his artistic works in the past ten years after graduation. The theme of the exhibition is named "First Sunlight".

One of the works in the exhibition.
One of the works in the exhibition.

Ma Defang has been insisting on portraying and shaping female images from the two themes of "four seasons" and "time" for years, and the opinion of female beauty is what he always holds in the whole process of painting.

"The portraits in this exhibition are all paintings of my lover. Every time I create, she sits beside me." Ma told the reporter that the works displayed in this exhibition are created during the decade from 2013 to 2023, and he would continue to work on this series in the rest of his life.

A citizen is appreciating the works.
A citizen is appreciating the works.

Ma puts his first solo exhibition at South Relocation Memorial of National Palace Museum in Chongqing, not only for that he appreciates deep downside the unique temperament of the mountain city, but also recognizes the historical significance and cultural value of the Memorial.

Ma also hopes to find self-balance and internal scale in the context of history and culture in the ancient buildings of Memorial.

Children are appreciating a work.
Children are appreciating a work.

Art is never a matter too grave, nor does it have to be condescending. Instead, it should enter get closer to the public in a more peaceful way and resonate with it. A manager of the Memorial also expressed his hope that everyone who stopped by here could experience a wonderful first meeting.

The free exhibition will be open to the public from now until November 30. (Translated by Wang Zhong, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei