
Chongqing News

A battle of driving skills and services for taxi drivers in Chongqing

2023-10-26 11:59:34

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- 40 drivers participated in the 2023 “Ankang (Safety & Health) Cup” Safety Service and Driving Skills Competition for Drivers held by Chongqing Taxi Co., Ltd. Drivers were required to finish a quarter turn, reverse bay parking, and parallel parking within three minutes.

Specifications for cars to pass zebra crossings were set in the competition.
Specifications for cars to pass zebra crossings were set in the competition.

Meng Sheng, who worked as a taxi driver for 13 years, finished all instructions within two minutes and 30 seconds. “If you want to drive smoothly and make your passengers sit comfortably, try not to slam on the brakes,” said Meng.

“To test the drivers' driving skills, we simulate the driving situation in physical environments. For example, how a car drives through alleys is simulated in the curve driving section,” said the referee Yao Wei.

To test whether the pre-drive preparation complies with standards.
To test whether the pre-drive preparation complies with standards.

Both excellent driving skills and satisfactory service are important to taxi drivers.

The competition focuses on testing the integrated safety service skills of taxi drivers, including their familiarity with urban roads and route planning. There are passenger pick-up areas and zebra crossing pedestrians in the 300-meter-long circular track, to simulate the scenarios of taxi service operations.

The contestant reminds the ‘passenger’ to fasten his seat belt.
The contestant reminds the ‘passenger’ to fasten his seat belt. 

(Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei