
Chongqing News

Teachers and students of SFAI have fun in the labor course

2023-10-29 21:49:05

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “It’s happy to catch fish!” A student in the pond cried in delight. The annual farming culture experience activity of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (SFAI) was held on October 26 this year. Students were quite happy to catch fish, picking up lotus roots and sweet potatoes on the farmland.

Students were happy to catch fish in the pond.
Students were happy to catch fish in the pond.

The annual farming culture experience activity of SFAI, which started in 2013, has been held for ten consecutive years. It’s learned that rural art experience and creation, as part of the college programs, enables students to gain a deeper insight into rural culture and experience the joy of harvest.

Students were picking up sweet potatoes.
Students were picking up sweet potatoes. 

At the beginning of the activity, the students were scrambling into the pond to pick up lotus roots, despite the rain. The fish in shallow waters couldn’t hide themselves from the teachers and students. “Here’s fish!” Students cried excitedly. The teachers on the shore advised on how to catch a fish to students in the pond. “I catch fish! Give me a pocket!” A student lifted the large fish he caught and said happily. Some students said picking up lotus roots from the mud was energy-consuming. Also, it was difficult to walk in the pond. It was a great test of teamwork.

The 2023 farming culture experience activity of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.
The 2023 farming culture experience activity of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.

The vegetable field, where the teachers and students dug the sweet potatoes with hoes, was full of laughter. The sweet potatoes filled the large basket very soon. There were also venues for teachers and students to roast sweet potatoes. How fun it was! (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei