
Chongqing News

Reconstruction of largest air-raid shelter cluster in central urban area of Chongqing

2023-10-30 21:30:21

Reconstruction of the largest air-raid shelter cluster in central urban area of Chongqing. (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)
Reconstruction of the largest air-raid shelter cluster in central urban area of Chongqing. (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Chongqing always attracts people's attention with its unique geographical and cultural charm. Now, the city has once again created an exciting miracle, that is, located between Longtousi Park in Yubei District and 9 St. in Jiangbei District, an underground air-raid shelter cluster with 18 large and small air-raid shelters and an area of 20,000 square meters will soon be transformed into an underground city cultural tourism project (also known as Hujiayan Cultural Tourism Town).

It is understood that these air-raid shelters were the former sites of Chang'an Arsenal during the third-line construction period in 1970s and 1980s, and now they have been decrypted and revitalized. A few days ago, "Hujiayan Cultural Tourism Town", an Underground City, was officially launched.

According to the relevant person in charge, the project will be divided into three phases to build a city-level cultural tourism complex according to the standards of 4A-level urban tourism scenic spots.

A city-level cultural tourism complex will be built here. (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)
A city-level cultural tourism complex will be built here. (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)

At present, the first phase is in full swing, including super hot pot restaurant, Chongqing traditional teahouse, civil air defense and national defense education exhibition hall, air-raid shelter market, air-raid shelter art exhibition hall, etc. It is planned to become a popular culture visit destination, providing unique experience and entertainment choices for citizens and tourists.

The second phase will further enrich the diversification of scenic spots. The plan includes the Super Huashan Stilted Building, which provides an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Chongqing; Super Coffee Shop can provide delicious coffee and snacks for visitors, and provide diversified leisure experiences.

The third phase of construction will mainly build a super park art block, providing cultural enthusiasts with opportunities for art exhibitions, cultural performances and more cultural activities.

"Underground City" has 18 air-raid shelters. (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)
"Underground City" has 18 air-raid shelters. (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)

Experts in the industry said that under the background of accelerating the development and construction of Chongqing as an international consumption center city, this cultural tourism project built by using large-scale air-raid shelter cluster is an "upgrade" attempt of Chongqing's commercial use of air-raid shelters. This will help enrich new consumption formats and scenarios, form a recognizable new consumption landmark in Chongqing, and increase Chongqing's attractiveness to consumers at home and abroad.

As the "opening" of the "Underground City" cultural tourism project, on the same day, the hot pot restaurant in the Underground City also opened simultaneously. Chongqing hot pot, as a treasure of Chinese catering culture, has always been highly regarded. There are 18 crisscrossed air-raid shelters in "Underground City", among which the largest one has been turned into a super hot pot restaurant.

What is the experience of eating hot pot in the "Underground City"? (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)
What is the experience of eating hot pot in the "Underground City"? (Photo provided by Visual Chongqing)

This super hot pot restaurant covers an area of 4,500 square meters and has 208 tables, among which the largest long table can accommodate 36 people to eat at the same time. Meanwhile, there are characteristic "Ten Scenes of Hot Pot" in the Underground City such as the Sky Realm, Stove-boiled Tea, Thousands of Lights, Folding Chongqing and Lonely Tavern, so that consumers can feel the unique enthusiasm and flavor of the city. (Translated by Wang Zhong, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei