
Culture News

Experts, scholars gather in Beijing to foster dialogue among civilizations

2023-11-07 15:50:15

BEIJING, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Inter-Civilizational Communication and Global Development Forum, hosted by the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, opened in Beijing on Tuesday.

The three-day event, themed "tradition of civilization and paths to modernization," has attracted around 150 politicians, entrepreneurs, think tank experts, scholars, cultural celebrities and diplomatic envoys from more than 30 countries to discuss issues concerning communication among civilizations and global development.

Three sub-forums on the civilizational communication between China and Europe, China-Central Asia modernization development and leadership building, and China-Arab civilization exchange and modernization development, as well as a round-table discussion, will be held during this forum.

Editor:Jiang Yiwei