City Young|The magic from old community in Chongqing!
In this thriving New Chongqing, both individuals and the city itself grow and flourish together.

City Young|The magic from old community in Chongqing!


Community is the most fundamental unit and cell of urban society. It serves as the crucial link between citizens and social governance, acting as the "last mile" of service delivery. Stepping outside our homes, it becomes the closest and most authentic connection we have with the world. In Jiazhou Garden, we witness the harmonious coexistence of old neighbors and new acquaintances. Here, people engage in meaningful exchanges and establish profound connections. The proactive engagement between these small shops that embody the hustle and bustle, and the established community exemplifies a vibrant marketplace, where mutual benefits are fostered. This "revitalization magic" of the old community showcases Chongqing's commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its residents through the revitalization of community spaces. It not only allows people to experience a sense of simplicity to everyday life, but also ignites their everlasting passion. In this thriving New Chongqing, both individuals and the city itself grow and flourish together. (CQNEWS)

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City Young|The magic from old community in Chongqing!

2023-11-10 16:33:54 来源:

Community is the most fundamental unit and cell of urban society. It serves as the crucial link between citizens and social governance, acting as the "last mile" of service delivery. Stepping outside our homes, it becomes the closest and most authentic connection we have with the world. In Jiazhou Garden, we witness the harmonious coexistence of old neighbors and new acquaintances. Here, people engage in meaningful exchanges and establish profound connections. The proactive engagement between these small shops that embody the hustle and bustle, and the established community exemplifies a vibrant marketplace, where mutual benefits are fostered. This "revitalization magic" of the old community showcases Chongqing's commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its residents through the revitalization of community spaces. It not only allows people to experience a sense of simplicity to everyday life, but also ignites their everlasting passion. In this thriving New Chongqing, both individuals and the city itself grow and flourish together. (CQNEWS)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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