

China to step up conservation of Great Wall

2023-12-09 21:49:06

BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- China's National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) on Friday issued a circular pledging to step up conservation of the Great Wall, a symbol of the country.

According to the circular, cultural heritage protection departments across the country have been told to carry out proper surveys on the conditions of the existing sections of the Great Wall, while adopting effective measures to ensure their structural safety and protect their historical features.

The Great Wall consists of many interconnected walls, some dating back 2,000 years. The existing sections have a total length of over 21,000 km.

The NCHA asked local authorities to maintain the status quo at the sites of collapsed Great Wall sections, and not to rebuild the walls or conduct large-scale restoration work there.

The facilities on the Great Wall sites should be planned and built carefully according to the basic needs of protection and utilization, while excessive development of sightseeing trails, parking lots, tourist centers and museums should be avoided, the document said.

Editor:Jiang Yiwei