
Chongqing News

The first China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain freight train of the new western land-sea corridor arriving in Chongqing in the Year of the Loong

2024-02-23 14:46:42

The first China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain freight train of the new western land-sea corridor arriving Chongqing in the Year of the Loong. (Photo provided by the interviewee)
The first China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain freight train of the new western land-sea corridor arriving Chongqing in the Year of the Loong. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the morning of February 21, a cold-chain freight train from Laos had already stopped on the freight-traffic line of Xiaonanya Railway Logistics Center in Luohuang Lingang Industrial City, Jiangjin District.

The mechanical arm on the crane quickly grabbed the containers packed with goods on the train and gently placed them on the truck waiting on the side. Then the truck immediately transported the goods to Shuangfu Agricultural and Trade Center, which would be then distributed to provinces and cities such as Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, and Hunan.

This was the first China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain freight train of the new western land-sea corridor that has arrived in Chongqing in the Year of the Loong, marking that the cross-border railway cold-chain corridor between Chongqing and ASEAN has entered into a new era of "running in two ways, normal operation, and specialty goods".

This train was loaded with a total of 200 tons of high-quality bananas imported from ASEAN, with a value of over 1 million yuan. The goods on the train were picked and packed from the banana plantation on February 16, loaded and shipped out in the early morning of February 17, completing customs clearance and entering Yunnan Mohan Port on the evening of February 17, and arriving directly at the Xiaonanya Railway Logistics Center in Jiangjin, Chongqing on the evening of February 20.

In the past, bananas were mainly transported by road at room temperature, and their quality was easily affected by temperature changes and rough roads during transportation. Now, through cross-border railway cold-chain freight trains with full cold-chain and constant-temperature transportation during transportation adopted, it only takes 4 days from Vientiane, Laos to Chongqing, which not only reduces product damage rate but also ensures transportation efficiency.

It is understood that on February 5, a China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain export freight train in the western land sea new corridor loaded with lemon and other Chongqing’s local high-quality agricultural products, departed from Xiaonanya Railway logistics center to Thailand for distribution through the Mohan Port. So far, Jiangjin has achieved a two-way operation of China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain freight train in the western land sea new corridor, laying a solid foundation for the normal operation of the freight trains.

The crane placed containers on the truck waiting on the side. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

The New Land-sea Corridor Operation Chongqing Co., Ltd. actively collaborates with units concerned such as Chongqing Customs, China Railway Chengdu Railway Bureau Group, and Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone to tailor-make transportation plans for enterprises. During the Spring Festival holiday, the company spared no efforts to coordinate overseas transportation organizations to ensure the customs clearance efficiency at ports.

Next, the company, taking fruits such as bananas and durians from ASEAN as the basic supply, will regularly operate China-Laos-Thailand cold-chain freight trains, continuously optimize the cold-chain logistics transportation plan, provide full process one-stop services such as customs declaration, loading and unloading supervision, temperature monitoring inside the box, and cargo tracking, to promote the large-scale import of ASEAN fruits, seafood, grains and other advantageous agricultural products and quick sale to the whole city and surrounding provinces and cities such as Sichuan, which will enriching people's "vegetable baskets" and "fruit baskets"; to promote the export of high-quality agricultural products from Chengdu, Chongqing and other western regions to Southeast Asian countries, so as to accelerate the construction of a new industrial development pattern of "global production, global procurement, and global sales" in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. (Translated by Hu Chuanmin, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei