Chongqing Railway Express completes its first on-site customs clearance for imported goods-华龙网

Chongqing Railway Express completes its first on-site customs clearance for imported goods

2024-03-18 14:07:43 听新闻

On-site customs clearance was completed for the first batch of Russia’s frozen chicken feet delivered by the Chongqing Railway Express freight trains. (Photo provided by the interviewee)
On-site customs clearance was completed for the first batch of Russia’s frozen chicken feet delivered by the Chongqing Railway Express freight trains. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The China Railway Express freight trains, carrying 4 TEUs of Russia’s frozen chicken feet valued at CNY1,600,000, reached Tuanjiecun Central Station on March 12 and the imported goods were under customs inspection on March 13. The import of the goods took 16 days in total.

This is the first on-site customs clearance for frozen chicken feet imported from Europe to Chongqing since the designated supervision area for imported meat at Chongqing’s railway port has been inspected and accepted by the General Administration of Customs.

"We have a mature cold chain logistics program and sufficient refrigerated containers. In recent years, we have successfully completed tests on the transportation of imported frozen meat products such as beef, pork, and chicken feet,” said Gao Chenglin, Sales Manager of the Marketing Center of Yuxinou Company. After being approved as a meat import port, the railway port can offer on-site inspection and customs clearance, which greatly shortens the time for pending inspection and examination of the imported meat, reduces transshipments and further improves the overall efficiency of meat imports by China Railway Express in Chongqing, added Gao. These frozen chicken feet imported from Russia will be delivered to the enterprise before being distributed to the market in Chongqing and neighboring regions.

"Since the designated supervision area for imported meat at Chongqing’s railway port has been approved, we have created a comprehensive flow chart for meat regulation and made sufficient preparations for the expansion of meat import channels and the diversification of imported goods at Chongqing’s railway port, effectively satisfying the demands of consumers and promoting consumption upgrading in downtown Chongqing and other southwest regions.” Yuzhou Customs Supervision Division stated that they would increase the presentation of policies related to imported meat and strengthen customs clearance guidance so as to help enterprises solve problems at the first time; they would set up green channels for meat products and assign professionals to ensure 24/7 support and enhance customs clearance efficiency.

It is worth mentioning that the inspection and customs clearance procedures have been completed for the imported beef delivered by China Railway Express trains along the New Western Land-sea Corridor. With the stable operation of on-site clearance for imported meat, Chongqing’s railway port can perform on-site clearance for meat imported from Europe and other Asian countries, which significantly reduces the logistics costs of enterprises, and provides solid support for the formation of a supply chain integrating the production and marketing of meat and other life's essentials. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited) 

责任编辑:Jiang Yiwei