The opening hours of Chongqing Yangtze River Cableway and Crown Grand Escalator adjusted in April-华龙网

The opening hours of Chongqing Yangtze River Cableway and Crown Grand Escalator adjusted in April

2024-04-02 11:50:45 听新闻

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- According to the news released by Chongqing Passenger Cableway, based on seasonal changes and the characteristics of passenger flows, the opening hours of Chongqing Yangtze River Cableway and Crown Grand Escalator will be adjusted in April as follows:

Yangtze River Cableway: 08:00 to 22:00 from April 1 to October 31 (07:30 to 22:30 on Qingming Festival holiday starting from April 4 to April 6).

Crown Grand Escalator: 08:00 to 21:00 on Qingming Festival holiday starting from April 4 to April 6; 08:00 to 20:00 from April 7.

Kaixuan Road Elevator: 07:00-22:00

Lijia Time Cable Car: 09:30-17:30

During the Qingming Festival holiday, Yangtze River Cableway will start selling tickets 15 minutes before opening. Visitors can purchase tickets through the on-site customer service windows, self-service machines, the WeChat Official Account of the Yangtze River Cableway Scenic Area, Ctrip, and Tongcheng (Yangtze River Cableway does not authorize any other channels to sell tickets).

Considering the high gradient, fast speed, and long distance of the Crown Grand Escalator, we recommend you hold the handrail when taking the escalator. For your safety and that of others, please do not turn around to take pictures, lean on the side panels, or walk around randomly. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)
