Come to Chongqing and encounter these cute animals-华龙网

Come to Chongqing and encounter these cute animals

2024-04-10 14:44:56 听新闻

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During the Tomb-sweeping Festival holiday, many hiking and camping equipment made them onto the best-selling list, indicating that mountaineering trips are getting popular among young people. With a forest coverage rate of 55.06%, Chongqing is a natural treasured destination for hiking and mountaineering. Going deep into the green mountains in Chongqing, you will not only enjoy the beautiful vegetation and breathe fresh air, but also have the opportunity to encounter some "cute animals". April 8 is the International Day for the Protection of Rare Animals. Have you ever seen these rare animals living in Chongqing? Let's get to know them together.

Golden tiger: Look at my fur as bright as flames, and this is the style of the forest king!

Golden tiger baby "Jinshanshan" (Screenshot)
Golden tiger baby "Jinshanshan" (Screenshot)

I heard I became one of the top search a few days ago? It seems that you humankind have a good taste to be attracted by my strong and vigorous figure.

"Jinshanshan" on the top search. (Screenshot)
"Jinshanshan" on the top search. (Screenshot)

I am good-looking, and also very brave and agile, able to quickly shuttle through dense jungle and easily catch and hunt a variety of prey, such as deer, wild boars, and even large raptors. So those who think I am a "cute" tiger baby must have no idea about my hunting ability when I grow up.

We golden tiger is a big beast! Now I act cute since I am just a one-month-old tiger baby, but remember to stay away from me when I grow up.

Where I live in Chongqing: Chongqing Yongchuan Wildlife World

Everybody calls me "Jinshanshan", and you can come and see me on May Day

Small Indian civet: You think what I can do is to meow? I am a hunter in the forest, the king of the night!

Small Indian civet (Photo provided by Chongqing Forestry Bureau)
Small Indian civet (Photo provided by Chongqing Forestry Bureau)

I am a real “foodie”. I like to chase birds, and sometimes pick fruits from trees to eat. Oh, sometimes I also try fragrant flowers and plants. In short, I just love delicious food, not picky on food!

I like to move around in the morning and evening when the temperature is right and many prey come out. During the day, I like to take a leisurely nap in a comfortable place and bask in the sun. So I am a master of time management, and it's hard for you to see me.

Where I live in Chongqing: Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve

On January 12, 2024, a mall Indian civet, the national first-class protected wild animal, was photographed by an infrared camera for the first time in the Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve.

Red and white flying squirrel: I am the world's largest gliding animal! I am nicknamed "Flying fox"

Red and white flying squirrel (Photo provided by Chongqing Gold Buddha Mountain National Natural Reserve)
Red and white flying squirrel (Photo provided by Chongqing Gold Buddha Mountain National Natural Reserve)

During the day, I often curl up in a hollow tree or a hole in the ground, sleeping with my head resting on my tail. At night, I come out to move around and find food, mainly feeding on fruits and tender leaves at the top of trees. I have a layer of flying membrane between the sides of my body and hind legs, which looks like a glider when I stretch my limbs, so I can glide 20-50 meters away from high to low in the forest and balance my body with my tail. You human’s wingsuit flying is inspired by us.

I also have a habit that I have to return home and answer a call of nature no matter how far away I am from my cave, as you humans’ saying goes "Don't let my own fertile water flow into others' field".

Where I live in Chongqing: Gold Buddha Mountain Nature Reserve

Red and white flying squirrels mainly inhabit hillside forest areas or hidden limestone shelters at an altitude of about 1,000 meters, mainly distributed in Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, etc. in China

Yangtze finless porpoise: Who are marveled at my graceful figure?

Red and white flying squirrel (Photo provided by Chongqing Gold Buddha Mountain National Natural Reserve)
Red and white flying squirrel (Photo provided by Chongqing Gold Buddha Mountain National Natural Reserve)

Yangtze finless porpoises (Photo from Visual China)I am the Yangtze finless porpoise, also known as the "Chinese paddlefish". I grew up in the Yangtze River, a magical mother river. Our family of Yangtze finless porpoises have gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes and have always been closely connected to the Yangtze River, serving as guardians and witnesses of this water area

I enjoy swimming in the clear Yangtze River, hunting small fishes and shrimps, and also swimming freely in the water following the boats on the river. Sometimes, I also jump out of the water to showcase my graceful figure and enjoy the marvels from the humans on the shore.

Where I live in Chongqing: Yangtze River

Giant Panda: Why do people always ask me if I have a tail

Giant pandas in Chongqing Zoo
Giant pandas in Chongqing Zoo

As a super foodie, my favorite foods are bamboo and bamboo shoots, and I eat dozens of kilograms of bamboo every day. But I am so picky, only fresh and tender bamboo shoots are my favorites! But sometimes, I also eat something else, such as fruits and steamed buns.

I like quietness. If you meet me in the wilderness, please don't approach me; if we meet in the zoo, be sure to hold onto what you have in your hand and not throw it at me.

Where I live in Chongqing: Chongqing Zoo

In Chongqing Zoo, you can see "four joy meatballs" “playing mahjong”, Yuke and Yuai playing with each other, and Mangzai and Mangcancan "showing their deep love between the mother and the child”.

Walking in the mountain forests in Chongqing, you may come across these cute animals by chance. In addition to the animals mentioned above, you may also see tufted deer strolling in the forest with light steps; golden monkeys playing in the trees, very lively; at night, leopard cats appear, agile in their movements... Clear waters and green mountains are poetic and picturesque, where countless lives breed and flourish. If you encounter these rare animals, what you can do is to take photos with your mobile phone, but never disturb them too much, or hurt them. Rare animals are endangered species, irreplaceable and non-renewable natural resources, and also heavily protected animals. Protecting them is also protecting clear waters and green mountains. (Translated by Hu Chuanmin, Fathom Language Limited)
