
Story of an excellent female taxi driver

2024-05-15 15:30:47

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Liao Caili had not received any job training before she started to work as a taxi driver in Chongqing, and the past ten years witnessed how she has become an excellent taxi driver with no record of complaints, accidents, or traffic regulation violations. Her satisfactory service has even won her many regular and loyal customers.

In China’s Most Beautiful Taxi Driver Outstanding Deeds Report held in Chongqing, Liao Caili shared her career story with the audience.



Work hard

With professional skills, Liao Caoli won a special prize within her first three years in the industry

With dimples on her smiling face, 43-year-old Liao Caili looks skilled in the work uniform and the ‘Lei Feng Taxi’ waistcoat.

“I had worked in an office before I switched to the profession of a taxi driver.” Liao Caili had been engaged in clerical work in an automobile sales service shop. As time went by, the repetitive daily work always made her feel lost, and her husband’s story of running a taxi aroused her interest in driving.

To offer a better life to her children, Liao Caili decided to work as a taxi driver as her husband did. When knowing her decision, some of her friends laughed at her and said, ‘Who would dare to hire a rookie driver like you?”

With an unyielding spirit, Liao Caili made up her mind to work as a taxi driver and proved it with her action.

Chongqing’s mountainous terrain and complex road conditions made it difficult for Liao Caili to drive and navigate at the same time. To solve the problem, she read the maps of Chongqing and tried her best to remember as many roads as possible whenever she had free time. She also practiced her driving skills in the company of her husband.


In Liao’s view, driving a taxi is more than starting and parking a car. A good taxi driver has to find the best route and offer the smoothest riding experience and the most satisfying service for their passengers. She knows that she has much to learn from her daily driving experience.

With three years of experience in driving a taxi, Liao Caili stood out from the experienced drivers and won a special prize in the second Taxi Driver Civilized Service Skills Competition in Chongqing at the end of 2017. In the competition, she finished changing the vehicle tire in 8 minutes and 27 seconds; in the competition event that required participants to run the car with 380 grams of water, only 4 grams of water were spilled in her car.



Strive to be perfect

No record of complaints, accidents, or traffic regulation violations for ten years

How does Liao Caili keep a record of no complaints, no accidents, and no traffic regulation violations? Always bear in mind the importance of services and strive to provide customers with the best service, Liao answered.

Liao Caili always prepares tissue paper, sewing kits, and rubbish bags in her taxi for passengers in need, and she offers free rides to passengers who are 70 years old and above. These simple services have touched many passengers.

Whenever she meets passengers who need help, she is willing to give all the help she can. “All people may encounter difficulties, and It’s happy to help each other.”

Once, when Liao Caili was going to change shifts, she found a lady in her 50s anxiously calling for a taxi in Nan’an District.

Liao drove over to the lady and learned that she had accidentally cut a deep cut on her hand while cooking and she failed to stop the bleeding at home.

Liao Caili quickly searched the fastest route to the nearest hospital, and said, “You don’t need to pay the fare. The most important thing now is to treat your wound.”

The staff of Chongqing Weitong Taxi were not surprised by Liao's actions, as they knew that Liao had done a lot of good. Some passengers even called the company to commend her for her good deeds.



Love what you do

Move forward and travel thousands of miles with passions

Ten years of satisfactory service have won Liao Caili regular customers.

One day in 2021, a female passenger got into her car and said, “I was really depressed.”

Seeing that the passenger was not in a good mood, Liao Caili started to chat with her and tried to enlighten her.

The interactions with passengers in the car allow Liao Caoli to feel the happiness, anger, and sadness of other people, and she cherishes the mutual trust and tolerance between strangers.

Perhaps to thank Liao Caili for being her listener, the female passenger often booked a taxi with Liao since then, even if she had to wait a little longer.


What’s more, Liao Caili joined the "Lei Feng Taxi" volunteer service team and provided free rides for those in need.

Last year, Liao Caili received a call for help. It was a lady whose father had to go to the hospital every afternoon to change his dressing. But due to work, she couldn't send her father to the hospital every day, so she had no choice but to seek help from "Lei Feng Taxi".

After learning the situation, Liao Caili organized a driver team to send the elderly to the hospital every day.

During holidays, Liao Caili receives greetings from many passengers, some of whom are passengers she has helped before, and some are parents she has met through the free pick-up services for students who participated in the college entrance examination.

Liao Caili has regarded driving a taxi as her profession, but more importantly, her mission.

"The beauty of Chongqing lies in its scenery, its food, and its people. The taxi drivers are the witness and guardian of this beautiful city." Holding the steering wheel, Liao Caili is running on the way to her dreams. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)
