
Goodbye, the slow train of Chongqingnan Railway Station

2024-06-17 15:19:30

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A notice recently issued by Chongqingnan Railway Station aroused people’s interest in taking the old slow train. Chongqingnan Railway Station terminated its passenger service on June 15, with the departure and arrival stations for slow train 5612/5611 running between Chongqing and Neijiang changed to Jiangjin Station, according to the notice. The reporter visited the slow train on June 13.


Built and put into use in 1952, Chongqingnan Railway Station in Jiulongpo District is 72 years old.


Slow train 5612/5611 between Chongqingnan Station and Neijiang Station stopped at all stations. There are many scenic spots along the way, including Tongguanyi, Baisha Ancient Town, Shisun Mountain, and Tea Mountain Bamboo Forest. The train had long been a preferred way of ‘slow travel’ in Sichuan and Chongqing.


More and more people have visited Chongqingnan Railway Station since the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with the daily number of visitors exceeding 900, the station staff introduced.


Most of the passengers in train 5612/5611 were retirees traveling with their friends or grandchildren.


Many passengers took the 5612 in the morning and got off in Tongguanyi, Jiangjin, and Baishan, where they enjoyed the local farm-fresh food and rural scenery before returning to Chongqingnan Railway Station with the 5611.


When asked whether the departure station of the train would be changed from Chongqingnan Railway Station to Jiangjin from June 15, the train staff replied “Yes!”.


Chongqingnan Railway Station has lived in the memories of several generations. When the station experienced its golden time, it played an important role in Chongqing’s railway transport, with up to 100 pairs of trains calling at the station every day.


With the rapid development of Chongqing railways in recent years, people prefer to choose high-speed rail for travel. While Chongqingbei Railway Station and Chongqingxi Railway Station, with elegant appearance and advanced internal facilities, are increasingly popular among Chongqing residents, Chongqingnan Railway Station is gradually receding from people’s memories.


There were still slow trains in the era of high-speed rail. Train 5612/5611, running between Chongqingnan Railway Station and Neijiang Station, had been a preferred way of ‘slow travel’ in Sichuan and Chongqing.


Chongqingnan Railway Station was reminiscent of the old days. It will stop passenger service due to the start of the Chongqing-Jiangjin section expansion project for the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. According to the construction plan, the stations along the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway will greet travelers with new looks. (Translated by Yuki, Fathom Language Limited)
