

2024-07-24 14:18:31 来源: 华龙网 听新闻

华龙网讯 2023年12月1日起,国家移民管理局正式签发启用新版中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证(以下简称“新版外国人永久居留身份证”)。因加入了体现国家标识的五星元素,新版外国人永久居留身份证又被称为“五星卡”。那么已经持有旧版外国人永久居留身份证了,怎样才能换发“五星卡”呢?关于“五星卡”又有什么知识点?下面由境境来告诉您:



02 换(补)发“五星卡”需要什么材料?






03 换(补)发“五星卡”需要多少时间?


04 换(补)发“五星卡”费用多少?


05 在哪里换(补)发“五星卡”?


06 “五星卡”与旧版外国人永久居留身份证有什么区别?


07 不去更换“五星卡”,旧版外国人永久居留身份证还能够使用吗?


08 “五星卡”与旧版外国人永久居留身份证持有人具有哪些永居待遇?


How to renew the ‘Five-Star Card’(New version of Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card)?

On December 1st 2023, the National Immigration Administration issued the first new version of Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card. Since the national five-star symbol is featured, the card is also called ‘Five-Star Card’. If you already have the old version of the Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card, how can you get it renewed to the ‘Five-Star Card’? What are the tips of ‘Five-Star Card’? Jing Jing will tell you:

01 When can I apply for renewal of the‘Five-Star Card’?

Answer:You can get your old version of the Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card replaced with the ‘Five-Star Card’ from December 1st 2023.

02 What materials are needed to renew a‘Five-Star Card’?


(1) Application form and 3 two-inch visa photos.

(2) The old Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card.

(3) The passport.

(4) If your Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card has been lost, you should provide the receipt issued by the public security organ where the passport loss was reported.

(5) Documents supporting the original application.

03 How long does it take to renew a ‘Five-Star Card’?

Answer: The processing time is 3-4 months.

04 How much does it cost to renew a ‘Five-Star Card’?

Answer:Application for change is 300 yuan, and reissuance is 600 yuan.

05 Where can I renew the‘Five-Star Card’?

Answer:If your original application purpose is investment, work or special talent, application should be submitted to the Exit-entry administration of the public security organ where you work ; if your original application purpose is family reunion, application should be submitted to the Exit-entry administration of the public security organ where you live.

06 What are the differences between the old version and the‘Five-Star Card’?

Answer:The‘Five-Star Card’ maintains the basic design of the old version, but adjusts the ID number from 15 to 18 digits, setting ‘9’as the first digit as the identification code for foreigners. The five-star elements, adopting more advanced anti-counterfeiting technology, optimize and beautify the layout of the card.

07 Can I still use my old version Foreign Permanent Residence ID Card?

Answer:The old version is still valid and serves as independent identity document. However, in order to facilitate online service, it is recommended to renew the‘Five-Star Card’.

08 What are the rights of the ‘Five-Star Card’ holders?

Answer:The ‘Five-Star Card’ can be used independently as a legal identity document in China in daily circumstances such as finance, education, medical care,transportation,accommodation, communication, work, taxation and social insurance, property registration, litigation, and other affairs.
